Happy Spring! Upcoming Youth Meetings

This Sunday we’re having Youth Group at our “usual” times – it’s been a while since we did things the usual way, isn’t it? So Middle School Youth, come join us from 4:30 – 6 pm. High School Youth meet from 6 – 8 pm. Come find us in Rm 4.

Sunday is Palm Sunday, so we’re going to kick off Holy Week with opportunities to experience prayer in several different forms: through stillness, through 

movement; through silence, through music. How are we changed by prayer? Does prayer always mean sitting still and reciting things that we’ve memorized? (Spoiler alert: not always.) Bring your questions and willingness to try something new. 

Save these dates for upcoming Youth activities!

Sunday, April 8                       Sunday, April 22
SundayMay 6                        SundayMay 20