Christmas Caroling with the Youth Group – Sunday December 21

Caroling - POST


Sunday December 21st at 2:45

The Congregation is invited to join the ALL YOUTH GROUP CHRISTMAS CAROLING!

For those who wish to carol, there will be a rehearsal with John Winget  on Sunday, December 14th at noon, following the congregational meeting.

All are invited!

On December 21 The High School and Middle School youth and others will SHARE the GIFT of MUSIC.

Some of the people we’ll visit are members of our congregation, some will be residents of the Field Home, a local nursing home.

Then we’ll come back to church and EAT some hot foods, desserts, etc. We’ll be done cleaning up in plenty of time for the Longest Night Service, which will start at 7 pm.

Here’s the timeline:
2:45 Gather in the Youth Room and rehearse
3:30 Be at our locations and sing
5:00 Be back at church and eat
6:00 Be ready to go home or to the Longest Night Service

See you then!

