Sunday School News October 2022

Hello friends!

It’s October and Sunday School is off to an energetic start this year. One of the very exciting things about this school year in particular is that for the first time – maybe ever – we have a class on Sunday mornings for all of our High School age youth!

Our new group is called Fathom. All of the topics that we are exploring this school year are chosen by our class members and they are some very deep topics. The word fathom means deep in both the literal and figurative sense as it can be used to describe both:

  1. understanding a difficult problem or issue after much thought, and
  2. measuring the depth of a body of water, like an ocean – so the name Fathom really fits our class!

All 9th–12th graders are warmly welcome to Fathom with us on Sunday mornings! Right now and for the next several weeks, we are fathoming the sometimes tricky relationship between science and religion. So if you know a High School aged student who ponders big thoughts and wrestles with big questions, Fathom is the place to be; find us in Room 1 any Sunday morning!

Registration is ongoing for all of our Sunday School classes.

  • Our youngest students, up through grade 4, are learning all about God’s big love in Shine. They meet in Room 3.
  • 5th & 6th graders are connecting to the lessons in the Hebrew scriptures in Connect. They meet in Room 2.
  • 7th & 8th graders are exploring the journey of God’s people in FaithX. They meet in Room 9.

Church Floor Plan

Sunday School can always use more adult volunteers! We are in particular need of folks excited about working with our younger students, so if that is you, let us know! Reach out to Sunday School Superintendents Wanda Diaz and Miranda McGill with questions about any of our classes or to volunteer!
