Register for Church School

Greetings from the Sunday School team! The 2019-2020 Sunday School year began on September 15. New students are welcome to join at any time.

This year’s Sunday School theme is Set S.A.I.L. with Jesus: Spirits Anchored in Love.

Our Pre-K through 4th grade students will be learning about songs and prayers in the Bible that align with our theme through Spark Activate Faith, such as Noah’s Ark, The Red Sea, Jonah and the Big Fish, and Walking on Water. They meet in the Sanctuary for a 15 minute Gathering time (prayer, worship, lesson, passing of peace, joys and concerns, and offering). Shepherds then lead children to their rotation workshop: either Art, Science, Cooking, or Bible Skills and Games.

5th/6th Graders: meet at 9:30 am in Room 16 for their “Connect” workshop.

7th/8th Graders: meet at 9:30 am in Room 4 for their “Feasting on the Word” workshop.

Participants please register online.

Thank you to all the Sunday School staff members, new and returning, who have volunteered their time and talent to help create another successful Sunday School year!

We also thank all the parents for the opportunity to work with your children. We appreciate that it is not always easy to make time in our busy schedules, but it is truly a blessing to see your children each week to explore our faith together. We encourage you to continue to build connections between home and church by discussing Sunday School themes, Bible stories, and activities at home with your children.

~Peace, Bridget Bentley and Kristy Berlin
