Church School News — May 2020

While Sunday School had to take a little break for a while, we’ve been working on ways that we can still keep growing in our faith, even while we are at home.

Our 5th & 6th graders and Confirmation class are already meeting by Zoom and we’ve got plans for our other grade groups to get in on the action as well. Below, you’ll find info for our Pre-K -4th Graders as well as our 7th and 8th Grade crew!

We miss seeing everyone in person, so we would love to hear how everyone is doing and how our church family can be present with your family during this unusual and pretty stressful time. Please complete our online survey for parents and caregivers of young people of all ages. Your answers will help us see what kind of support and resources would be helpful for all of our families now and in the near future. Thanks for taking a moment to share!

For our families of Pre K up through 4th graders, we will be sending out a weekly video of one of our very awesome Sunday School leaders reading a Bible story! We’re going to recap some of the stories that we’ve been studying throughout the year. See how well your child remembers them! Along with the video, there will be a page with some very simple activities for you and your child to do to help understand and reflect on the story. We know that families are feeling extra busy and often rushed because of all of the disruptions to our routines, so we invite your family to find a time that works for you: maybe it’s still at 9:30 on Sunday mornings, maybe it’s after dinner on Sunday night, or maybe on a totally different day altogether. Whatever day and time it might be, we invite you to set aside 20 minutes to watch the Bible story video together and engage with the activity sheet in a way that is appropriate for your child’s age and development. Throughout the weeks, there will be some opportunities for your child to create a drawing of parts of the stories and we want to see them! We would love it if parents could snap a picture of your children’s drawings and send them to us!

Families of 7th and 8th graders! There’s a plan afoot for your child’s class as well! Starting May 17th -we’re going to start up a weekly Zoom meeting at 4 pm on Sundays. There’s a fun and creative project in store for this class! Look for more details and the information for logging-in coming your way next week from Kristy Berlin and the 7th and 8th grade teaching team.

For all Sunday School families: our new plan is to celebrate our children and youth in our online worship on June 28th (this is a change from the original date of June 14).The current state of the world is presenting all kinds of new challenges as well as shining a light on some old ones. We hope you and your family are doing well while navigating these uncharted waters. We encourage you to share your challenges as well as your successes with us through our survey, but also know that you can reach out directly with any questions or concerns.Wishing you all good health and smooth sailing!

~In Christ’s love, Tami, Bridget, Kristy, and Steph
