Church School News – March 2017

We have spent quite a bit of time lately in the New Testament, learning about the twelve disciples and four friends (who brought their sick friend to be healed by Jesus). The children have been enthusiastic learners, and our teaching staff has done an amazing job of bringing each lesson to life. Next, we turn back to the Old Testament to study the first sin, as part of our preparation for Lent, Palm Sunday and Easter.

Here are a few highlights from the past few weeks:

The Cooking rotation is led by Liza Placido and TJ Chin (youth assistant). Liza and TJ lead their students in cooking up special treats to go with each Bible lesson, and the results always look (and smell) heavenly!

The students were paid another surprise visit from the always-entertaining Super Bible Man! He spoke to them about our “four friends” lesson, and made quite an impression. As we enter Lent, here are some ideas for observing this season at home with your children:

  • Make a Lenten prayer box by decorating a cardboard box (such as a shoe box), and cutting a hole in the top. Each day, each child can write a short prayer to put in the box.
  • Rather than focusing only on what to “give up” for Lent, think about ways that your family can “give back” during Lent, such as by donating unused clothes, toys and household items; picking up litter or participating in a community clean-up project; or writing cards to let friends and family know that you are thinking of them.
  • Make a Lenten calendar (many different ideas can be found online) to help children visualize and count down the 40 days of Lent.

~Michele Mosca and Jessica Mayes, Co-Superintendents
