Church School News for May 2017

As we prepare for our final rotation (Jesus Feeds 5,000), we are marveling at how quickly this Sunday School year has passed! What a wonderful year it has been, thinking and learning about all the ways that God is counting on us!

Are you interested in volunteering with Sunday School next year? We are seeking adult and youth volunteers for the 2017-2018 Sunday School year, and would love to speak with you! Please contact Michele or Jessica directly, or leave a message with the office and we will get back to you.

Remember that you do not need to have a child in Sunday School to volunteer – we welcome all church members in this important (and fun!) ministry.


  • May 28 – It’s movie day at Sunday School! Everyone who is in town for Memorial Day weekend is invited to join us for a short movie in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 a.m., in lieu of our usual Sunday School routine.
  • June 4 – Rehearsal for Children’s Sunday; please make every effort to attend!
  • June 11 – Children’s Sunday service at 9:30 a.m. We are so excited for our annual Children’s Sunday service, where the children will present songs, lessons and other fun activities to the congregation, to share with you all what we have learned this year!


Peace, Michele Mosca and Jessica Mayes
