Church School Chalkboard – March, 2019

In February, the younger kids have been learning about Mary and Martha, and how their responses differed when Jesus came to visit. In Gathering Time, we discussed what it’s like to have a sister or a brother (or both), and how different two children raised in the same family can be! My two children are opposites in many ways, often with opposing opinions — but whenever I hear one of them singing a Sunday School songs at home, and the other one chimes in to make it even more of a “joyful noise,” I am grateful they are both having a positive experience learning, singing, crafting, cooking, and playing on Sunday mornings. Thank you, teachers, for the work you do with the FPCY kids!

Parents: keep an eye out for MyFPCY/Realm messages from our Sunday School teachers, as we figure out how to share photos and information with you from your children’s classes. Connect and Re:Form teachers have already starting posting photos! If you have children in either of those classes and you haven’t received Realm notifications about photo posts, let one of us know, and we’ll figure out how to make it happen!

Peace, Bridget Bentley, and Abby and Andy Cross, co-superintendents
