Tami’s Message For May

At the end of April, I went on retreat with some clergywomen friends in Washington state. We stayed in a lovely house with a wraparound porch that was perched high on a cliff with magnificent views of the Puget Sound and Olympic mountains. One day we visited a tulip farm in the Skagit Valley, just north of Seattle. Brightly colored tulip fields stretched in every direction, framed by a backdrop of the Cascades. It was truly a feast for the eyes.

Then we spent four days hiking and hanging out together, walking and talking, cooking and eating together, sharing laughter and tears, food and faith, support and sisterhood. It was truly a feast for my mind, heart and spirit. My retreat weekend was a wonderful reminder to fill my life with the kinds of things that will nourish and nurture both my body and mind, my heart and spirit.

In this Easter season, we are surrounded by a feast of good news and new life. Christ’s resurrection brings new life and hope to all of us. We see more and more signs of new life every day as springtime buds and blossoms burst forth into leaf and flower. Here at our church, we also have much to celebrate, a feast of blessings:

  • On May 5, we welcomed our six confirmation students into membership in our church.
  • On May 12, we celebrated the gifts of women in our church and in our lives who show us God’s love and nurture us in faith.
  • On May 19, we celebrate the amazing musical gifts in our congregation, especially those who have led us through this past year of transition. And we anticipate the arrival of our new Director of Music Ministry, Garrett Artman, who will join us August 1st. We also meet together as a congregation to hear an update on the progress of our capital campaign.
  • On May 25, we celebrate the life and ministry of Squeegee Mills in our church and community.
  • On May 26, we remember all those who served our country in times of war, even as we remember all those who give so much of their lives for the good of others.
  • On June 2, we celebrate all those in our church family who are graduating from high school, college and post-graduate studies.
  • On June 9, we celebrate our ministry to children, as our Sunday School leads us in worship, and we give thanks for the ministry of the Yorktown Presbyterian Preschool.
  • On June 16, we celebrate the gifts of men in our church and in our lives who “father” us in faith and faithfulness to following Christ’s call to discipleship and service.

As you read through this Disciple, I invite you to see all the signs of new life and the many exciting ways that FPCY is sharing the good news of God’s love and grace, hope and peace in our community and world. Because of God’s faithfulness to us, and your faithfulness to FPCY, we are grounded in gratitude as we move forward in faith together.

