Practice Makes Faith

What great time to join in the ministry here at FPC Yorktown! As your Parish Associate, I will be focusing my work with you in three main areas: worship, education and pastoral care. I will be participating in worship at least twice a month and preaching occasionally. I will be the staff resource person to the Education Commission, with special emphasis on developing and expanding adult education. I also have a vision for a ministry that supports faith formation of children and adults within the family (but more about that in the coming months). Finally, I’ll provide staff support to the Board of Deacons, especially in the area of pastoral care and visitation. It is a joy to be able to invest myself in the ministry of this church family, and I am so grateful for your continuing prayers and support.

We all know the phrase, “practice makes perfect.” Our Lenten journey encourages us to engage in spiritual practices, not necessarily to become perfect, but rather to become more faithful in living our lives day by day, to delve more deeply into what it means to live as a beloved child of God in this world that God loves so much. Perhaps a better slogan for us this spring is “practice makes faith.” The more we practice, the more we grow in our faith and into the people God created us to be. I look forward to growing with all of you as we practice our faith together.

