YAV Emma: Lessons from Being Stranded

After Christmas Emma took an uncertain and frustrating (to say the least) journey to see a friend in the Philippines, and after telling of us her multi-legged journey of buses, (delayed or cancelled) ferries, trucks, and highly non-cooperative weather she tells us:

I can’t help but smile at the ten days of uncertainty I experienced on this journey. I was unsure of my next step or where I would stay that night in almost every day of the trip, yet surprisingly, overall, I found I was okay with that. Coming from a person who really likes to be in control, this was a big moment for me. I’m realizing that outside of our own thoughts and actions, there’s really not a whole lot we can control in our lives. I think God wants us to embrace a kind of uncertainty as we go about finding our places to find harmony and do justice in the world. I hope that this experience brought me a little bit closer to this place.

Read the story of her journey here.

On Sunday, August 27, 2017, we commissioned Elizabeth Welliver and Emma Warman, who dedicate a year of their lives to learn what God is doing through them and in them. We hope to follow their journey through their online blogs. 

To follow Emma and Elizabeth as they live their YAV experience, visit their blogs:

Emma Warman (Philippines) https://emmayavyear.wordpress.com/

Elizabeth Welliver (Austin, TX)  https://medium.com/@ElizabethWelliver

To learn more about the YAV program, visit: www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/yav/


