YAV Elizabeth: Death and Life in the Borderlands

Elizabeth (who is serving in Austin, Texas) writes: 

Last week, I had the opportunity to return to the Arizona borderlands with a delegation of Young Adult Volunteers from Austin, Tucson, and Albuquerque. The purpose of our trip was to witness to the realities of our immigration system as lived by communities along the border, and to seek ways to live a faithful response as people of God.

After describing what she has seen, and experienced, she writes:

At the end of the week, I came away with a profound sense that the border is a physical place with universal consequences. While the wall razes the desert, I carry barriers of hostility in my own mind and heart. These walls of racism and hatred exist in each of our communities, whether visible or invisible. God is inviting those of us with privilege to give up our “security,” cross over the border and let our hearts be broken open by what we see. From my experience, we take the risk to encounter Christ on the other side.

Please read her entire post here.


On Sunday, August 27, 2017, we commissioned Elizabeth Welliver and Emma Warman, who dedicate a year of their lives to learn what God is doing through them and in them. We hope to follow their journey through their online blogs. 

To follow Emma and Elizabeth as they live their YAV experience, visit their blogs:

Emma Warman (Philippines) https://emmayavyear.wordpress.com/

Elizabeth Welliver (Austin, TX)  https://medium.com/@ElizabethWelliver

To learn more about the YAV program, visit: www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/yav/


