YAV Brooke: Everyone has a story, and every story matters!!

That phrase ‘everyone has a story, and every story matters’ has been strong on my heart since I have arrived here in Albuquerque. At Hope Works previously known as St. Martin’s. I sometimes have the opportunity when I am there to talk with my clients, and to hear their story if they are willing to share it. I will definitely admit, it is so easy to just want to smile from afar and not fully engage with people especially if you have an introverted side to you. However, I am learning more and more how important it is to take time with people and to show them that they are the only one that matters in that moment.

Read Brooke’s entire post here.

On Sunday, August 26, 2018, we commissioned Rachel Carpenter, Brooke Cobb, and Erin Tolar, who dedicate a year of their lives to learn what God is doing through them and in them. We hope to follow their journey through their online blogs.

To learn more about the YAV program, visit: www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/yav/

To read the blogs of our YAVs, click their links below:
