These are your Hands and Feet – Summer 2017

Thank you so much for all the ways that our congregation has already supported the Hands and Feet of FPCY, whether it be with prayers, monetary donations, rides to and from the airport, or any other way that you have shown your support! This summer our adventures are leading us to inner-city Annapolis MD and rural Caimonial – Dominican Republic. Both of these trips will give our travelers opportunities to be of service, grow in their faith, and see the face of God in others.

  • From July 15th through the 22rd, our Maryland team will work with the First Presbyterian Church of Annapolis on a week of literacy camp. The summer “readers theater” is part of a year round program that supports young students from under-served elementary schools who read below the expected level for their age group. Additionally, our team will learn about the African-American history of Annapolis, and visit the PC(USA) Office of Public Witness in Washington DC which works to translate the church’s deep convictions about justice, peace and freedom from words into reality.
  • From July 29th through August 6, our team traveling to the Dominican Republic will work in partnership with Bridges to Community and local community members to work on homes in severe need of repair in the village of Caimonial. This area in the central highland area of DR is one adversely affected by poverty, deforestation, and high emigration rates. We will also work in an organic tree nursery that supports local food security and combats deforestation, while learning about the causes of systemic poverty as well as the key tools of sustainable development. We appreciate your continued support as we journey out to live and learn the Gospel!

We Still Need

  • Our Maryland team needs AIR MATTRESSES to cushion our sleeping quarters which will be the floor of First Presbyterian Annapolis. Does your family have one (or more) we can borrow from July 15-22?
  • Our DR team needs RIDES TO THE AIRPORT. Do you have a largish car/van/SUV and time to give us a ride to or pick us up from JFK? We will leave at 5 am on Saturday, July 29 and we will be returning at 9 pm on Sunday, August 6.
  • Your FINANCIAL SUPPORT is also needed to make these trips affordable for all participants. Make a donation via MyFPCY – “Mission Trip Donations” from the list of funds; or type in With a donation, you can place your name on a “hand” or “foot” that will hang in the Gathering Space to show your support for our teams.