The Upcoming Mission Trips!


Just a reminder of the upcoming mission trips from our church.

High School Youth

Heidi Haring is heading up a trip for high school kids to Pt. Pleasant, NJ with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) July 19-25, 2015 to continue assisting families in recovery from Hurricane Sandy.

Adults and High School Students

Stephanie Hare will lead an International Mission Trip to Dominican Republic for adults and high school students which will take place in August with Bridges to Community.  The group will work with impoverished communities to build housing and possibly a youth center.

Middle School Youth

Middle School students are invited to take part in a mission trip to the Stony Point Center Farm in Rockland County, September 13-15, 2015.

There is still room for a few more participants. Youth in grades 6-8 for the 2015-16 school year will spend the Rosh Hashanah holiday at Stony Point Farm in Rockland County: learning about and participating in small-scale organic farming; matters of food justice and earth care; while learning why we, as Christians, are called to care about these important issues. Please contact Margery Rossi to sign up. Applications will be made available to interested youth & chaperones as the date draws nearer.
