The Mission Commission asks, “How can we help the Syrian refugees?”

Many of you have stopped members of the Mission Commission and asked that very question. We’ve been touched by the plight of these people. Grayde Parsons, Stated Clerk, PC(USA), has asked us to “Choose welcome, not fear”

From his letter:

Our nation, for decades, has chosen hope and welcome for those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1975, more than three million refugees have found safety and security within our nation’s borders. Right now 11 million Syrians cannot go to school, tend to their land, or raise their children in the place they know as home. They cannot do these things because they, themselves, have been terrorized for far too long by numerous factions, including their own government.

In that spirit, the Mission Commission is looking for a few folks who would be willing to look into the ways in which we might support Syrian refugees. Interested? Let Connie Knapp know.
