The February Deacons’ Fund Offering – What the Deacons Do

Remember Offering Envelopes? In February and August there are special offering envelopes intended for the Deacons’ fund. Some people still use the box of envelopes, but many people now give electronically, and so don’t get that little reminder twice a year.

The Deacons at our Church have been overwhelmed this past December with the outpouring of support for their ministries – we had the most wonderful events this past month in which we demonstrated our genuine love for each one of God’s children through our many activities. We had the early December giving Sunday in which you gave gifts and offerings for distribution throughout our church community and nearby areas.
Carl Anderson reported that 860 toys were distributed to 122 client families including 400 children. Many stores and organizations in the area chipped in donuts, bagels and cookies which were served during the celebration and distribution.
Heidi Haring brought over dozens of age appropriate gifts and toys to the Bedford Prison so the mothers incarcerated there could have something to give to their children when they came to see their them for their Holiday visits. The donations were greatly appreciated by these Moms who would otherwise not have anything to give their children for Christmas.
Our lovely “Knit-together” ladies knitted beautiful hats and mittens all year for the “Hat & Mitten Tree.” Several hundred more hats, scarves and mittens were made and donated by other church members AND also some very special non-member friends who live in the area and support our church pantry each year. These items were to be joyfully given to and accepted by our food pantry clients. This year, however, a snowfall of many inches greatly affected attendance at the Food Pantry right before Christmas. Attendance by clients and volunteers was much lower than usual. Bud Coccodrilli and his team had to scramble to find storage for dozens and dozens of fresh hams that will now be given away early in January instead along with all the beautiful hats, scarves and mittens.
Our scribe, Terri Froelich, sends out dozens and dozens of greeting cards to the sick, the shut- ins and otherwise hurting members and friends of our congregation. Terri does this not only for Christmas but throughout the year.
We are thankful for all of the loving work of our Deacons. We are also thank you all for caring. We ask you to keep caring and demonstrating your love by making donations to our Deacons’ Fund. We count on your money. We need your support. Our community needs your support. We can’t do it without you. Please use the offering envelope in your offering box, our on-line giving, or just a plain envelope marked “Deacons Fund” to make your gift and help us out.

Gifts are welcome through either method any time of year. You may also want to consider creating a recurring donation to our ministries such as the Diaper Fund or the Food Pantry to become a “sustaining member,” ensuring a continuing contribution. Thank you for your generosity!
