Shaina in Peru – A Crisis of Faith

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In a new post, Shaina Miller asks for our prayers for her as she gets honest with herself about her struggles with her calling to the Young Adult Volunteer program, and how she makes a breakthrough in understanding.

I believe now that God is trying to prune me, as you do with a vine in order for it to bear more fruit. I came here with wrong intentions, then I stopped relying on the word of God to guide my path. I was cut off, cut away from the vine because I wasn’t creating good fruit. I wasn’t representing Jesus the way he wanted me to. And so I became bitter and I had less joys in my life. Not even less joys, I just wasn’t able to appreciate them….What I ask from anyone reading this is that you send prayers my way. Prayers to build my faith and my reliance on God. Prayers to keep me strong in the times where I feel weak and to remind me that I always have a light shining when all seems dark.

You can follow each of our Young Adult Volunteers at the following links:

Alexander Sprague (Chinook, MT)
Emily Stevens (Asheville, NC)