Searching for Common Ground: Christian Perspectives on Gun Violence

“Guns and gun violence seem to divide our country more than just about any topic. We have preppers and pacifists, and 100 million gun owners standing in the middle.” ~ Donald Gaffney

On Saturday, November 9, at 7:00pm, our church will host a community  conversation entitled “Searching for Common Ground: Christian Perspectives on Gun Violence”, led by Rev. Donald Gaffney, a Sandy Hook alumnus and gun owner.

This 90-minute event will offer a respectful, balanced treatment of gun control and gun rights perspectives, with the aim of promoting constructive conversations across the spectrum of views on what is often a contentious topic. After Rev. Gaffney’s presentation, he will engage the audience in a guided, active discussion that will encourage people to share and listen to one another’s diverse perspectives. Coffee and snacks will be served afterwards, during which time Rev. Gaffney will sign copies of his book entitled “Common Ground: Talking About Gun Violence in America.”

His book, published earlier this year by Westminster John Knox Press and available through Amazon, The Thoughtful Christian, Cokesbury, and other major booksellers, is a workbook for self or small-group study. Presenting information from across the spectrum of resources and illustrated with autobiographical information relating to his own personal history with guns, it was written for those who seek a more balanced approach than that provided by many other books on the subject. If you are interested, you are welcome to bring your own copy or purchase one at the event. All community members are invited to attend.

Rev. Gaffney was born and raised in Newtown, Connecticut, where he attended Sandy Hook Elementary School. A Disciples of Christ minister, he became involved in gun violence prevention following the massacre at his former school in 2012. Since that time, he has spearheaded efforts to address the issue of gun violence prevention within his own denomination, and led numerous workshops that seek to promote understanding across the spectrum of views on the topic.
