Peace and Global Witness Offering 2016


The Peace & Global Witness Offering challenges us to look at the world not as a place where conflict is inevitable, but where Christ’s peace is possible. In places of abiding conflict, the Peace & Global Witness Offering supports the work of Presbyterian mission co-workers to bring together former enemies and begin healing the spiritual wounds of war.

In congregations closer to home, support from the Offering enables efforts to turn back the tide of gun violence that claims too many American lives. In other communities, it’s facilitating a transformative dialogue about the difficult subject of race to find new common ground. And everywhere, this Offering supports witness, because by sharing the abiding love and mercy of Christ, more people can find their way to a seat at God’s table. Our church keeps up to 25% of this important offering to support the Rural and Migrant Ministry. Give on Sunday or give online.
