For more than fifty years, Presbyterians have joined with Christians throughout the nation in responding to Christ’s love for all people by joyfully sharing that love with people in need through supporting One Great Hour of Sharing. The hundreds of millions of dollars Presbyterians have given over the last half century have enabled a powerful witness to the love of the One who came that all might have life more abundantly.
The three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing – Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Hunger Program and Self Development of People.– all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope.
Donations to One Great Hour go to our national denomination (PCUSA) to support these programs. You can use the special offering envelope, mark your check One Great Hour, or donate online.
Please consider how you might participate and support the work of PC(USA).