Mission Trip to Atlanta News


Stephanie Hare writes:

We are excited to be working with DOOR, a faith-based network of cities that provides opportunities for service, learning, and leadership development within the urban context. We will be traveling to DOOR’s Atlanta location, which partners with 32 social service agencies across the city.

Participant service experiences may include:

  • a local soup kitchen

  • packing and sending medical supplies to third world countries

  • working on a local urban farm

All participants will visit The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change (“The King Center”) to learn more about social justice and the changes the city of Atlanta has experienced because of the Civil Rights Movement.

Evening programming focuses on the theme “Bread for the Journey” through:

  • Group discussion facilitated by DOOR staff

  • Art projects

  • Community projects

  • Speakers, including individuals who have transitioned from struggling with homelessness, motivational speakers or year long mission workers living and serving in Atlanta

We will be sleeping and eating at the Central Presbyterian Church in downtown Atlanta.

6 youth and 7 adults will be traveling to Atlanta. You can support their work with an online gift here or by check marked “Mission Trips.”
