Mental Health Awareness Day November 17

How do you discuss mental health issues with your family and friends? What are you doing to take care of your own mental health?

Ten years ago the Presbyterian Church (USA) started an initiative called “Comfort My People” to encourage congregations to talk more openly about mental health. The Mission Commission, in response to this, wants to explore this initiative in our church. The commission has been working to gather resources that can be helpful for talking about mental health with family and friends as well as a ministry of our church.

On Sunday, November 17, we will lift Mental Health Awareness in worship and make resources available to the congregation in the Gathering Space at the new welcome desk. We are also working with the Education Commission to have a Faith4Life book study in the spring.

The Mission Commission welcomes your ideas on how we can talk about mental health in open and supportive ways. Please contact Jennifer Burns or Jeff Kephart.

We offer a collection of mental health resources.
