Legacy/Planned Giving Workshop March 15

The First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown will host a Legacy/Planned Giving Workshop on Saturday, March 15, beginning with Sign-In and Continental Breakfast at 9:15 am in Fellowship Hall. The Workshop will begin at 9:30 am and conclude by 11:30 am.

Led by Karl Mattison, Vice President of Planned Giving Resources of the Presbyterian Foundation, he describes the Workshop as follows.

Legacy Planning: For Me & For My Church

Passing on our faith and values is a significant opportunity that many of us overlook. Join us for a dynamic morning dedicated to tackling the challenge of crafting and sharing our legacies. Our workshop is divided into three engaging sections:

Discern: Explore what your legacy truly means and how to make it known. This is a chance to uncover and articulate your unique legacy, turning a missed opportunity into a meaningful journey.

Do: Learn how to apply your legacy in practical ways. Go beyond words and integrate your legacy into your actions and possessions. We’ll also discuss planning your giving to ensure your work continues.

Ripple: Consider how you can help others in your church family discern and share their legacies. Even if they aren’t here today, you can make a difference in their journey.

Worried about a lecture on a Saturday morning? Fear not! Our session will be fast-paced and engaging, with the goal of leaving each participant with actionable steps to make real progress. This is fun, impactful work that you won’t want to miss!”

      We welcome your presence!
