How You Can Help with Mission Trip Fundraising

Thanks to a very successful tag sale, we have raised more than half of funds we need to support this year’s Mission Trips to Atlanta and the Youth Triennium in Indiana. The tag sale made roughly $3,200 and we have had a few bottle refunds and a few bags of coffee sold.

We still need $2,400. So we’re offering 3 ways to help us reach this goal by the end of June.

  1. Please bring your REFUNDABLE bottles to the box in the Gathering Space. John Prauda is redeeming them for the Mission Trips.
  2. The second opportunity is to sponsor a “hand” or “foot”, which will be hanging in the Gathering Space in late May and June, dates to be announced.
  3. You can buy a bag of Dean’s Beans coffee on the 1st of each month or speak to Heidi Haring, if you miss that Sunday. We will be adding whole bean coffee and dark roast coffee to the choices of Columbian medium roast and Decaf. They are $12 a bag for a WHOLE pound, roughly comparable to a bag of good coffee at the grocery store, except that this is certified Fair Trade AND Organic coffee, plus you are helping the earth and hard-working poor people to make a decent living. That’s quite a lot for your dollars!

So please help us make our goal by choosing one of these opportunities to do a Mission Trip while staying here. Donations for the Mission Trips can also be made on our Giving Website.

