Deacons’ News – October 2015

Deacons POST 2Fall is definitely here and there seems to be so much excitement in the air! We can’t help but think about and anticipate all of the activities, special dates and celebrations that will be coming up in these next few weeks until Winter sets in.

The Deacons are preparing as well. There are the turkey and fixings for the Thanksgiving Food Pantry to collect; the Toys for Tots and Teens; the “Hat & Mitten Tree” during Advent; and, the special meals at Christmas time for our Food Pantry guests.

Yes, there is excitement in the air and many, many ways that you can join in to help and serve and be blessed. Keep your eyes open for announcements. You can find them in your bulletin, the monthly Disciple, the bulletin board in the Gathering Space and even here at our website. You can come here to check out all of the church’s functions, services, Bible studies, concerts and opportunities for you to participate and share in God’s love and Kingdom Building.

There is currently an opportunity for you to share your knitting and crocheting talents by creating items for out “Hat & Mitten Tree.” Have extra wool or yarn? The tree will be set up in the gathering space during Advent. We welcome all your hand made and store bought items ( including scarves and gloves) to adorn the tree before they are disbursed to our Pantry guests around Christmas.

As always, we are grateful for your ongoing support for all of the Deacon Ministries. We welcome your helping hands on Pantry Days as well as your monetary support for the Food and Diaper Ministries.

We encourage you to give generously in any way you can. Have you tried doing it online yet? It’s quite easy and there is a special section for gifts to the Deacons’ ministries.

God Bless you all.

~Carol Thorne­-Gaetani for the Deacons
