Operations – March 2013

While away on vacation during the Month of February, I have been hoping for a break in the weather at home. However, it looks like Winter will be hanging on for a while. Most of this month’s news from Operations is the result of work Jose has been doing during his “facilities’ improvement periods”.


In addition to the improvements regarding the new cabinets, hand-sanitizer and picture on the fireplace wall, Jose has finished all of the painting in the Library/Lounge. This includes the ceiling and all walls. We have also installed a coat-tree.

Estimates have been obtained for reupholstering the cushions for the “This Ends Up” furniture. Operations will be taking up this improvement possibility at its March meeting. We can get a better quality fabric at a very competitive price for all of the removable cushions. Options for the sofa will be explored.

The rehab of the Nursery is nearly complete. The remainder of the trim should be painted and the ceiling and all walls have been spackled and painted. Upon completion of the Nursery, we will paint the coat closet next to the Nursery.

Also on our improvement schedule are the outside doors near Room #1.

We have had a rascal raccoon frequenting the Church yards during daytime hours. Help was sought from the Town, but the animal control people concluded it was not sick. They recommended we contact a company to have it humanely trapped. With so many children and adults on the property each day, we decided to have it trapped and removed.

Our main propane water heater had some problems in early February. A switch on the circulator motor was replaced as was a back-flow preventer. Adjustments were made to the two regulators and now working properly.

We were recently offered six long tables with folding legs and have accepted this gift. A big Thank You to Jack Shaughnessy for picking up the tables and delivering them to the Church. Our plan is to sort out some of our damaged tables and replace them with the newly contributed tables. A very big Thank You to the donor of these tables.

Despite the continuing nasty weather, we are looking ahead to spring and have set the date of May 18th for our traditional clean-up and spruce-up of our facilities and grounds. Please mark your calendars!  Our rain date is June 1st.

We continue to strive to keep our facilities and grounds in first-class condition. If you see something that needs repair or improvement, please do not hesitate to bring it to the attention of the Operations Commission. You may contact any member of the Commission or me. Thanks to all for helping us to keep things in good shape and for volunteering when we call for assistance. Everyone’s effort is very much appreciated!

Dick Seymour, Chair of Operations & Facilities Coordinator

