Operations – January 2012

For anyone stopping by the Church Office recently, you will have seen quite a mess! We are making considerable progress on our plan for totally refurbishing the Office. Much work on electrical, electronics, painting and window blinds has been made. We expect to begin the removal of the old carpet very soon.  Following the installation of the new carpeting, we will be installing the new furniture.  We are hopeful that all will be done in the first week or two of January.

Painting of the ramp hallway has been completed by Jose. He has done his usual excellent  job in preparing the walls and ceiling as both were in need of considerable work. Thanks, Jose!

Much of the Gathering Space has been painted, but we are postponing further work until the office refurb is complete.

The new walkway in front of the Sanctuary has been completed. A new pattern of blue stone is in place and the stone step at the end of the walk has been repaired. Thanks, again, to Bud Coccodrilli for his considerable help on this project.

We have had problems with two of our hot-water circulators now that cold weather is upon  us. One problem resulted from a partial power outage which burned out a large circulator  motor. The expense for this repair alone was over $1600. Another more minor repair on  a smaller circulator motor cost over $500 to repair. As our facilities age, we will experience these kinds of maintenance costs. Hence, our continued attention to our budget and  vigilance on watching all of our equipment.

We have experienced an increasing number of cases where drivers are “cutting through” our  property to avoid back-ups at the Rt.’s 132/202 light. Some drivers are speeding through our driveways and proceeding the wrong way on the one- way driveway on the West side of the preschool. Therefore, we have temporarily set up traffic cones to block through  traffic. We are trying to get license plate numbers and have contacted the Yorktown Police Department to seek advice and apprise them of this dangerous driving. We apologize  for the inconvenience of the traffic cones, but we are very concerned and do not want an  accident to occur. Should anyone see this type of dangerous driving, please do not try to  confront the individual, but try to get a license plate number if possible. Thanks!

Should you become aware of maintenance items that need to be addressed or improvements for us to consider, please bring them to my attention. If you have made an improvement recommendation, please be assured that it will not be forgotten. We have a lot of work on our plan list and are evaluating ideas continuously. Thanks for your input and ideas!

Dick Seymour, Facilities Coordinator for the Operations Commission.
