Deacons – January, 2012

As we travel on our journey through Advent and anticipate the joy of the Good News, we take a moment to reflect on the ministry of  the Deacons. We might call the Deacons “the helpers”, who live their faith by doing the work of the church in many small ways to send the message of love, forgiveness and hope to everyone in both the church community and the community surrounding the church. How do we do this? One way is by managing the groups of volunteers that offer
transportation to someone who needs to see their doctor or who make dinners for a member who is ill or has lost a loved one.

Chuck Radke and Mable Seymour have been instrumental in revitalizing visits to the home-bound members of our church, bringing news, a bit of banana bread or cookies, flowers and comfort to those who cannot get to church on a weekly basis. They are “rotating off”, and we will be challenged to continue that ministry with the same energy.

Cards are sent to recognize special occasions or to offer comfort for a loss, the health  racks are monitored and filled, blood drives are organized, finance numbers are crunched, the Bereavement committee helps with the setup and cleanup of a reception after a memorial service, and much more.

We will miss the deacons who have served for the last three years. Why don’t you think about joining this “feel-good” ministry?

Specific news for December includes a thank you to the Knit-Togethers and congregation members who donated over 80 hats and mittens. They were distributed to clients of the Food Pantry, and the children put them on immediately. Their smiles and thanks let us know how much they were appreciated.

The Homebound Ministry covered everyone on their visitation lists in the last six weeks either with a long telephone conversation or a home visit. Service flowers were distributed, Mable Seymour’s cookies or breads were handed out, and the most fun was being able to give out the twelve nativity scene hangings made by Kathy Anderson’s 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes. These Christmas hangings, labeled with the word JOY, really caused the recipients to smile and say “Thank you!” We are so grateful that our young people offered such a beautiful Christmas gift.

May Christmas joy accompany you on the  rest of your journey, and may the New Year bring hope and peace to all.

Angelyn Forbes-Freeze


Loaves and Fishes and Transportation are part of the ministries of the Board of Deacons. They provide support and caring for members and friends of our congregation. Please consider volunteering for these special “hands on” ministries. You may be called upon only once or twice a year.

To volunteer, please fill out this form even through you may have volunteered in the past. Put it in the collection plate on Sunday or the “Food Pantry Basket” in the Gathering Place or the Church Office. Thank you.

Name:  _________________________________________________________
Telephone:  ____________________________________________________


Loaves and Fishes

_______ Cook & deliver a meal (Entrée, salad, dessert)
_______ Deliver a meal, if needed
_______ Make and deliver a dessert

Provide Transportation

To and from Worship on:
      _______ Sunday at 8:30 a.m.
      _______ Sunday at 10:45 a.m.
_______ To other church functions
_______ During the week for miscellaneous needs

If you have questions please call:

For Loaves and Fishes: Sue Nelson (245-6935)

For Transportation: Barbara Humphrey (962-7913)
