Operations – April, 2012

  • We continue to make good progress on our interior painting work. As reported last time, the work on the ramp hallway has been completed. Since that time, the vestibule for the Gathering Space has been rehabbed and painted and Room # 1 has been similarly rehabbed and painted. A piece of broken molding has been replaced in Room #1 and a hole where the door knob punched through the wall has been repaired. A new door stop has been added to prevent a reoccurrence of same. Jose has done an excellent job in all of the rehab work!
  •  Two new faucets have been installed in the Kitchen to replace ones which were leaking.
  • A new toilet valve has been installed in one of the preschool toilets to prevent excessive water from being used.
  • Work continues on rewiring the office areas for connections to the computers. This work should be finished by March 24th.
  • Our Annual Spring Clean-up is scheduled for May 5. Everyone is encouraged to participate in that we have the Home Front Project also on that date. Anyone participating with the Spring Clean-up can also join the Home Front Project in the afternoon after lunch at the Church. This year, we can really use everyone who can join us for these two important events in the life of our Church.
  • Many issues have been resolved with our outside lighting. Bulbs have been replaced, a fixture for one of our big lights on the NE Corner of the Church has been replaced and a faulty timer has been corrected.
  •  We now have a three-phase electrical protector installed to protect the big (read expensive) circulator motor from certain kinds of electrical outages. This will help to prevent future big expenses with these kinds of outages.
  • In February, we had several heating outages in the hallways and in Fellowship Hall. These have now all been corrected.

Should anyone have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Also, if anyone knows of something that is not working properly or is in need of service, please contact me directly. Several suggestions have been made on ways in which we can make our facilities more useful and attractive. Please know that if a suggestion has been brought to my attention, it is not lost. We can only do so much at any one time so we plan, schedule and proceed as time and funds permit. Thanks to everyone for their individual efforts to keep our facilities in first-class shape. Jose appreciates your help as do I and the Operations Commission.

Dick Seymour, Facilities Coordinator and Chair of Operations.
