Mission Commission – April, 2012

Jan Peek Volunteers

April 28: Hawlk and Marsh families May 26: ?? June 23: ??
Call Bud Coccodrilli (245-6475) if you can help.
Thank you to the Clark/Gilbert family for the March dinner.


Living Waters for the World — Our Sunday School Project

As most of you are aware, our Sunday School has been learning about the global issues of access to clean water. We have also learned about a low-tech, relatively low-cost solution for filtering water to make it potable: the Living Waters for the World Systems promoted by the National Presbyterian Church. You can see a version of this system on our poster board in the Gathering Space on April 1 and periodically throughout the spring.

We have collected and raised nearly $1,500 thus far and so we are half way to our goal of $3,000 for a water system to be installed in Haiti in one of two facilities that serve children and the community. More information to come next month.

We will even be able to establish a relationship with this community of children and adults and I am assured by their former pastor that they are lovely people whom we will enjoy getting to know through cards, letters, and maybe a visit in the coming years. This spring our Sunday School will be raising more money through their Sunday morning church school offerings and through a few activities; perhaps one by the teens on Palm Sunday.

REMINDER: Easter Offering, April 8



We will direct half of the Easter offering to Living Waters to help us reach our goal of $1,500 more dollars by Children’s Sunday. The other half of the Easter Offering will go to My Second Home in Mt. Kisco. Also watch for coming attractions: more education about our project and the place it will go and any activities for further fund raising. We hope to have the full amount by Children’s Sunday so that the children can help dedicate the donation to Haiti then. We wish to thank you in advance for your help to provide clean water to deserving children through our Easter offering.

Heidi Haring, Mission Commission

Mother’s Day Cards on Sale – April 29 and May 6
Support “Healthy Women Healthy Families Project”

The Mission Commission will once again offer Mother’s Day cards to support the PCUSA program HEALTHY WOMEN HEATHY FAMILIES. The cards will be available following both services on April 29 and May 6. The recommended donation is $10.00.

The Healthy Women Healthy Families Mother’s Day Project benefits a variety of programs that protect and restore the health of women and children in four African countries: Malawi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, and the Republic of South Sudan. Programs supported through the Mother’s Day Project include prenatal and obstetrical care, fistula surgery, cervical cancer screening, immunizations, nutrition, health screening and primary care for children and health education and malaria prevention.

For more information please call Marsha Henderson at 245-3924.

Amnesty International

Please come to the Amnesty table in Fellowship Hall on the second Sunday of each month, to sign letters and petitions requesting justice for those who are being unfairly treated around the world.

Carol Myers

Pastor’s Relief Fund Available for Needy Families

Given the current economic conditions, we have established a Pastor’s Relief Fund for needy families within our congregation. If you wish to donate, please put “Pastor’s Relief Fund” on your check and drop it in the collection plate or mail it to the office.
