What’s New with Operations In August?

  1. A big thank you to the many who have signed up to be Stewards of our gardens. Plaques have been installed showing who is tending each garden. I also want to recognized Craig Hibben who designed all of our gardens and tended them pretty much by himself for over 20 years. A plaque is in the process of being made recognizing Craig as the “Designer and Shepherd of All of Our Gardens”. When completed, this plaque will be mounted on the large pine tree between the Sanctuary and the entrance to the Gathering Space for all to see. Thank you, Craig, for service well beyond the call of duty. We are anxious for you to get well again so that we can see you in the gardens!
  2. New Air Conditioning Units have been installed in the main office, the Pastor’s office and the Treasurer’s office. This brings these areas of our facilities up-to-date with efficient air conditioning equipment. The older window units will soon be removed and stored as spares for other areas in our buildings.
  3. We have completed our paving project which was long in the plan for the driveway leading from the large paved parking lot to the North Parking lots. The old gravel driveway required extensive maintenance and created much dust. The new paved driveway has been sloped properly toward the
    Cemetery so that it will drain onto our own property. We have installed four “speed-bumps” which have helped greatly to slow down the vehicular traffic through the property. Since installing the speed-bumps, we have not seen drivers “cutting through” our property to avoid congestion at the Rt’s 132/202 traffic light. Hopefully, this will continue to be the case.
  4. Considerable routine maintenance has continued throughout our facilities. This includes painting of the Gathering Space, kitchen and preschool areas. Much touch-up painting has been done to keep everything looking good. All floors have been waxed and look sparkling fresh. Thanks to Jose for his continued maintenance efforts and thanks to Lisa Eliasson for helping with much of the painting in the preschool areas. We are most appreciative of both Jose’s and Lisa’s efforts!
  5. Thanks to Kathy Anderson and Kim Wertz for their excellent work on cleaning-up and sprucing-up the Youth Room. This room now takes on a fresh new look. We will install new vertical window blinds in this room as well as putting in a new electrical receptacle for a future wall-mounted TV.
  6. Another big thank you: this time to Bud Coccodrilli and Carl Anderson for their great work on repairing and staining the fence along our newly paved driveway.
  7. We have recently experienced someone writing graffiti on the walls and partitions of the Men’s bathroom. We found it necessary to involve the Yorktown Police Dept and are continuing to investigate the source of this damage. We ask that if anyone “sees something to say something”.

We continue to strive to keep our facilities in top-notch shape. This takes a great deal of effort behind the scenes and we are indebted to all of those who help. Our facilities are used by huge numbers of people each week as openness to the community is part of the Mission Work of our Church. Please let me know if anything looks amiss. We will try to correct problems immediately. Thanks! Dick Seymour, Chair of Operations & Facilities Coordinator
