Youth Event June 21st – “Food Stamp Challenge”

Food Stamp Challenge  GRAPHIC

We have now had a “taste” of how food is distributed globally, and will move forward to examine how poverty impacts the 27.9 million people in this country who receive food stamps. The next youth activity will be a “Food Stamp Challenge” and will occur on Saturday, June 21st from 5:00-8:00pm. We will kick off the event in the youth room to learn a little bit about hunger in America and locally, and better understand the nutrition hurdles that low-income Americans face every day.

Then, after some planning, the group will take a trip to a local supermarket to purchase one day’s worth of food on a food stamp budget. We hope that each youth will be willing to eat only the food purchased the following day. Will you be one of the brave youth willing to see if it’s possible to eat healthy on a food stamp budget?
