Youth Event, June 1st – Hunger Banquet

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Hunger Banquet – Sunday, June 1st 5- 7 pm

All are  welcome.

During the month of June we will be participating in experiences to increase our sensitivity to hunger, homelessness, and poverty globally, in our country, and locally. We will begin the month with a Hunger Banquet on June 1st from 5:00-7:00 pm starting in the youth room. We will learn, see and experience first hand how wealth and food are distributed around the world. We will learn about Oxfam America and begin to understand actions we can take to help promote change for the 1.2 billion people who live in poverty. God calls us to be instruments of His love and wants us to care for the “least of these who are members of His family”. You can take a step along that road by joining in this first of three very special events that are sure to be eye opening and life changing.

Come hungry and ready to eat!


