The Picnic Moves Indoors!

What a difference a week makes! Only a week ago, it was hazy, hot, humid, in the 90’s. Tomorrow’s forecast is cloudy, damp and chilly , in the upper 50’s. The cooler temperatures may be a relief, but they’re not conducive to an outdoor worship service and picnic.
Moving Indoors: We gather for worship at 10:45 am in the Sanctuary. Wear your picnic clothes, but don’t bring an umbrella. We’ll gather for lunch afterwards in the Fellowship Hall, so please bring your side dishes and desserts too.
Moving and the commitment to do so is one of the important parts of our scripture lesson tomorrow (Psalm 84) and our growing faith. God’s followers give their hearts to a journey with God. It is their personal commitment. It is also the commitment the community makes when we baptize a person together, which we do tomorrow as well. We commit to go on the journey of faith and life with them. So, journey to church for worship together in your picnic clothes as well as to the picnic we share afterward, and along the way, deepen your commitment to God’s love, God’s Way and God’s Spirit guiding us.
See you in church,

