Special Prayer Event on November 3 from Noon to 2pm

During this season of prayer and discernment for ourselves and for our church,  we invite you to a prayer event on Saturday, November 3, From 12-2pm for a church-wide day of prayer.

There will be 4 prayer stations for a variety of prayer styles. Enter the church building through the office door at the back of the building.  We will have maps of where the stations are on the shelf in that entry way.

We will have the Labyrinth ready for a prayer walk or a time of quiet with God. Prayer flags will be also be available to fill out and hang.

There will be a quiet prayer time in the sanctuary for time to contemplate what God wants to do through me and through our church, with prayer prompts available if desired. Prayer team members will be available for private prayer, as well as chance to light a candle for your prayers as well.

Another station will be praying through the ancient art of “circle prayers” or Christian mandala coloring. There will also be a chance to practice picture-web praying. Come to this station to find out more about this visual and physical way to pray

A prayer wall station will also be available, similar to the temple wailing wall in Jerusalem where written prayer requests are folded or rolled up and stuffed into a wall, in this case a net wall. There will be a variety of colors for a variety of prayer needs and concerns, i.e. family, church, self, our world, health, etc.

The PRAYER TEAM is asking for your help to pray for discernment and for God’s Wisdom for each of our lives and for our church, and its future calling and ministries. The hope is that we connect more with God as we seek God’s will and God’s work in us. We also hope to be reminded that this is God’s church, we are God’s people, and ultimately God’s calling for our Capital Campaign and for our ministries, in general.

Come and pray for as long as you can on Saturday, Nov.3. Also pray at home our church prayer;

“Lord, what do You want to do through me?”
