Special Congregational Meeting December 11

We will hold a Special Meeting of the Congregation and Corporation of the First Presbyterian  Church of Yorktown in person and on Zoom (hybrid) on Sunday, December 11, 2022  following the 10:30 AM worship service for the purpose of the election of six Ruling Elders, Class of 2025, four Deacons, Class of 2025, and to amend portions of the Bylaws of the First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown to state:  (changes are in italics)

  • Part XIII. Elders:  The congregation shall elect up to eighteen (18) Elders divided into equal classes, one class of whom shall be elected each year at the Election Meeting for a three year term.  The rest of Part XIII remains as written.
  • Part XIV. Youth Elders: The congregation shall elect up to two (2) Youth Elders at the Election Meeting for a one year term. The rest of part XIV remans as written.
  • Part XV. Deacons: The congregation shall elect up to twelve (12) Deacons divided into three equal classes, one class of whom shall be elected each year at the Election Meeting for a three year term. The rest of part XV remains as written.
  • Part XVI. Youth Deacons: The congregation shall elect up to two (2) Youth Deacons at the Election Meeting for a one year term. The rest of Part XVI remains as written.