Pancake Supper- Tuesday February 17



Pancake Supper! Come one, come all for our annual Mardi Gras feast! Tuesday, February 17, 6-8pm
Cost is $5 per person or $15 per family.
The Youth of the church will be your cooks, hosts and servers for this fun & festive event.
Opportunities for service for the youth include:
Confirmation Class will cook and Middle School Youth (and a few High School youth) will be servers.
Kathy Anderson will provide “training” at the start of each shift.
Two shifts are available: 5:30-7 for Set-Up Crew;
7-8:30 for Clean-Up Crew.
(All youth who participate can receive community service hours as needed. Please bring necessary paperwork to be signed.)

Youth members can contact Margery Rossi – – to sign up for a server shift.

See the Youth Website for more information-

