Meet Our New Preschool Director, Betsy Alberty

On behalf of the YPP (Yorktown Presbyterian Preschool) board, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new YPP director Mrs. Betsy Alberty. I have asked Betsy to share with us a little bit about herself and here is what she had to say:

Hello, my name is Elisabeth (Betsy) Alberty and am delighted to be the new Director and 4 year old teacher for Yorktown Presbyterian Preschool. My educational career began in a cooperative preschool on Long Island, where parents played an active role in the classroom. That experience sparked a desire to continue to learn best teaching practices and a goal to teach in a classroom of my own. As a New York State certified teacher possessing a Masters in Elementary Education from Long Island University, C.W. Post, I have had administrative and teaching experience in both traditional and non traditional educational settings. I managed a child care program, developed and ran outdoor education programs at Planting Fields Arboretum and have taught students ranging from preschool to high school.

Before taking this position, I was a stay at home parent to my seven year old daughter, Lily and five year old son, Bobby. My son Bobby is a YPP alum. I experienced first-hand the quality and collaborative nature of YPP and feel honored to lead YPP into its next chapter. My goal for each child is to harness their inquisitive nature to help them grow intellectually, socially and emotionally.

Congratulations Betsy!! We welcome you to YPP and wish you success, joy and peace in your new position and hope that you will find YPP to be as great as we know it to be!

~Liza Placido, Co-chair YPP board
