March March on the Peekskill RiverWalk


~2 miles (about 1.5 hours) out-and-back, easy/accessible

We’ll start from Riverfront Green Park across from the Peekskill train station—meet us at the entrance loop near the bell and flagpole! Then we’ll head south along the RiverWalk to Charles Point and back, less than a mile each way. After that, if time permits, we can stroll over to the new Peekskill Landing Park just to the north. The path features a number of interesting sculptures and traverses the former industrial waterfront of Jan Peek’s little city, now redeveloped into recreational spaces.

This walk is paved (or boardwalk), mostly level and fully accessible, so no need to bring your hiking boots this time! There is free parking in Riverfront Green Park, and metered and station parking are also free on weekends. Did we mention the parking is FREE? 🙂

We won’t need a map for this one (though they are posted at both ends of the trail). Find directions and photos of the meet location in our Facebook group. See you at the river!
