Fall Work Party October 17

Fall Work Party 2015 POST

Beverages, Donuts, and Bagels will be served!

Out Fall work party is on Saturday, October 17, beginning at 8:30 am. We are hopeful of a big turnout so that some inside tasks can be done as well as a lot of outside tasks. The tasks envisioned are as follows:

  • Inside: Wash windows, dust & polish furniture (especially in Library and offices) and tidy up Room 2
  • Outside:
    • Clean-up of the corner of Rt’s 202 & 132 by removing all “weedtrees” and weeds
    • cutting of weeds in the swale West of the North parking lot
    • trim bushes in each of the Sanctuary gardens so stone paths are clear
    • weed & spread mulch on the berm and center island in North parking lot
    • spread mulch on the garden at the South end of paved parking lot
    • trim broken and low hanging branches in crabapples & dogwoods
    • remove all wild rose bushes from property and remove all trimmings to Yorktown Recycling

Things to bring: Windex and rags for window washing, lemon oil and rags for dusting and polishing furniture, gloves (rubber & heavy duty) for outside work, blowers (if possible), wheel barrows (if possible), pruning shears, lopper shears (if possible) & lawn rakes.

With many thanks in advance!

