Creative Fellowship Opportunities

Our Creative Fellowship Groups are always busy. Learn more about what they do and consider joining in their generous efforts!

Knit Togethers: We recently received a very generous and unexpected cash gift from a church member to “keep on knitting.” We purchased yarn and continue to joyfully knit baby blankets and lap blankets to give to others in the community. We are very thankful for this support. I silently thank her each time I pick up her yarn and my needles. She has added much joy and encouragement to our knitting efforts. Our next meetings are September 23, and October 14 & 28. All knitters are welcomed to join us as we knit for others in the community. Yarn is available. For information contact Norean Radke, 914-962-4370.

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is led by Marianna Sherman. Prayer Shawls are given to church members and friends from suggestions by our pastors and others. The Prayer Shawl Ministry began in 1998 in North Carolina by two women who began knitting/crocheting shawls to give to breast cancer patients and new mothers. From that simple beginning, this ministry has expanded across the country and the globe. In 2006, Marianna Sherman began this ministry in our church. Presently there are six knitters in the group. Prayer shawls are given for a variety of reasons. For example, recipients of the prayer shawls can include those who are ill, in the hospital, experienced a death in the family, baptisms, or a joy or accomplishment. The group also knits hats and scarves for our Food Pantry clients for Christmas. The shawls are a reminder of the support and comfort which is wished for all. The group meets on the second and fourth Mondays each month in the church library. All who knit/crochet are welcome.

The newest addition to our Creative Fellowship Groups is Sweet Dreams. Sweet Dreams is a ministry of our church that makes baby quilts for infant baptisms. If you have questions or want to join us in that effort please contact Margaret Harrison at
