Another year begins and it’s time for the FPCY Annual Meeting & Pot Luck lunch following the SINGLE 10:30am service on February 23. Please plan to bring either a main dish, side dish, salad or bread, or dessert. Vegetarian, vegan, nut-free, and gluten-free dishes are most welcome. Please label your dish, and whether it is vegetarian/vegan or nut- or gluten-free.
Please use the online form to help us organize volunteers for set-up/hosting/clean-up as well as to track the food that will be coming. If you have questions or would prefer to signup manually, contact Connie.
The Annual Meeting of the Congregation and Corporation of the First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown will be held both in person and by Zoom (hybrid) on Sunday, February 23 following the 10:30 AM worship: to review and approve the Co-pastor’s Terms of Call, to receive the Annual Reports, including the report of the Auditors, to elect five Members-at-Large to the Nominating Committee; and to conduct any other business which may properly come before the meeting.
Advance copies of the Annual Report can be picked up at the office.
Financial data is only available to members in the printed version.