Congregational Meeting December 12

A Special Meeting of the Congregation and Corporation of the First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown held in person and on zoom (hybrid) on Sunday, December 12, 2021 following the 10:30 AM Worship, for the purpose of:

  • the election of two Youth Elders, for the period September 2022 through August 2023;
  • the election of six Ruling Elders, Class of 2024;
  • the election of two Youth Deacons, for the period September 2022 through August 2023;
  • the election of four Deacons, Class of 2024;
  • to amend a portion of the Bylaws of the First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown to permit electronic and hybrid meetings of the Congregation, and to endorse all action items approved by the Congregation in hybrid meetings held since December 6, 2020 (see below) and to conduct any other business which may properly come before the meeting.


Proposed amendment to the Bylaws of the First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown Section V.

Meetings of the Church: To be added to the beginning of: Section V.

Meetings of the Church Electronic Meetings of the Church, whether a Special Congregational Meeting, or Annual Meeting of the Congregation, may occur when calling a face-to-face meeting is impractical, or when circumstances to meet face-to-face are inadvisable (e.g., pandemic, dangerous weather conditions, etc.). Electronic meetings may occur in conjunction with face-to-face meetings (“hybrid meetings”) when necessary. The Call for Electronic and hybrid meetings shall be the same as for a face-to-face meeting, and must be announced to the Congregation in advance in the same manner as a face-to-face meeting, including what necessary information may be necessary to attend the meeting whether in person or electronically. There shall be no distinction between active members of the Congregation who attend the meeting in person, and those who attend electronically. All decisions of the Congregation, whether they are adopted in a face-to-face meeting, electronic meeting, or hybrid meeting are considered actions of the Congregation.
