Congregational Life Events

As our virtual fellowship connections extends into 7 months, this Commission continues to find ways to celebrate and enjoy our friendships and community spirit. We are offering some Saturday Night Specials this autumn and hope that many of you will join the ZOOM-ing experiences.

On the first Saturdays of November, and December we’ll host a game night. On the third Saturdays of October, November, and December we’ll host some “specials.”

  • On October 17 come prepared with your favorite apple dessert in hand with a recipe to share.
  • November 17 is “share your favorite book” night, so bring one of your favorite reads to us and share why we might enjoy it too.
  • December 19 is “share your favorite holiday movie” night. We’ll create a list of movies to fill the holidays with fun.


Coffee Hour will be spiced up this fall, and not just with pumpkin spice! Here are some of the topics we have planned:

  • October 25 — is a great day to carve or paint your pumpkin during coffee hour or share what you have already done to decorate
  • November 8 — Peace and Justice Sunday discussion.
  • November 15 — Mental health awareness: a presentation from Tim Lupfer to discuss the stressors specifically impacting our Veterans’ mental health.
  • November 22 — starts a little later in order to have a Thanksgiving Lunch for coffee hour. Everyone join us with your lunch and some pie. Maybe just pie for lunch?
  • November 30 — is the first Sunday of Advent so we’ll get crafty with making Advent wreaths and other holiday decorations while we chat. Feel free to offer a demo sharing your creativity with everyone.
  • December 13 — will be Christmas Cookie Coffee Hour so be sure to have some cookies and recipes to share.

Join the Lunch Bunch at noon on October 21, November 18, and December 16. Look for your Zoom invitations in your email!
