Are You a Veteran?

For 2019, the Stewardship Commission would like to honor the veterans of our congregation on the Sunday (Nov 10) closest to Veterans Day by having a list of names and photos in the narthex or the gathering space on that Sunday, and also by publishing the names in the church bulletin for that service.

To accomplish this, please notify our office manager, Lisa of your service as a uniformed member of any of the US Armed Forces (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, or Coast Guard) by providing her your branch of service and the years in service; this will become part of our member database.

Also, if you know of any deceased members of our congregation who served in the US military, please provide that information to Lisa as well.

Please contact Lisa with this information in early 2019, and we will reach out to you in October to begin gathering photos for the display.

Thank you. Tim Lupfer (US Army, retired) for the Stewardship Commission.
