An Invitation from our Friends at Temple Beth Am

Family Shabbat Service of Hope and Solidarity 
this Friday 11/2 at 7 pm 
“As a response to the tragedy in Pittsburgh, Temple Beth Am will conduct a special Shabbat Service. Families and neighbors, young and old, Jews and non-Jews are invited to join us not only to celebrate the Shabbat, but also to show that we will not let hatred and anti-Semitism keep us away. Through special music, poetry and prayers all wrapped around the idea of hope, we will shine light where there is darkness. Please participate with us for this special Sabbath Service on Friday, November 2 at 7pm.”
We at FPCY grieve with all of our friends at Beth Am as well as people of the Jewish faith all around the United States as a result of the tragic loss of life at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA this past Saturday. 
FPCY shares a close relationship with Temple Beth Am in Yorktown. Their Rabbi, Cantor, and Congregation have warmly welcomed our Confirmation Class for visits to their services and conversations about faith for the past 9 years. Our current Confirmation Class attended a service there just last Friday, where the students and teachers were invited up to the Torah to say words of  blessing before the reading for that evening’s worship.  
Any one who wishes is welcome to attend this Friday’s service as a sign of our solidarity and support of our friends and neighbors. The Temple is located at 203 Church Place.