FPCY’s Music Ministry – Message from Garrett

Hello Everybody.

As our season winds down for the summer, I wanted to thank everyone for making our music program here at the church a true ministry to everyone here and in the greater Yorktown community. One of the largest singing events at this church happened in April and thank you to everyone who helped with ensuring our Combined Choir Concert was a success. Please keep an eye and ear out for recordings of our groups showing up on our website and social media platforms (YouTube, Facebook, etc.). A couple save-the-dates for the end of the year:

Thursday June 1st and Sunday June 4th: End of Rehearsals and Programmatic year. It’s a bittersweet time, because we’re happy to have Thursday nights open, but a lot of us will miss the music making. We’re doing a special piece “With a Voice of Singing” and you will be invited to sing with us. Please listen to the testimonials of our music ministry during Sunday morning announcements and consider being a part of our closing anthem!

Sunday June 11th: Faith Formation Sunday. We will have a music-filled service filled with Bells, Orchestra, and Youth Choir – so please come and support these groups who have worked and rehearsed diligently to put on a wonderful service.

Thursday August 24th: Summer Sing w/ Taghkanic Chorale. Our partnership community chorus, the Taghkanic Chorale will return for a night of music making. Music Director Jason Tramm will conduct and I will be your Symphony Orchestra of the keyboard. We will lead you through a choral masterwork offering singing tips, musical history, and bad jokes. Please come, bring a donation, bring a friend and sing (or watch and listen). Music will be provided!

Yours in Music, Garrett
