Mission – June, 2012

Jan Peek Volunteers

The Jan Peek House is a shelter in Peekskill run by Caring for the Homeless of Peekskill, Inc. It provides a safe haven for the area’s homeless men and women. Our church serves dinner at the Jan Peek House on the 4th Saturday of each month.

Click the link below or call  Bud Coccodrilli (245-6475) if you can help.  



The  Noontime Meal for May was prepared in the Peekskill Presbyterian Church kitchen on May 8,.  The grocery shopping for the ingredients was done by Ruth Deemer.  The following people met at 2:30 pm to prepare the trays of nutritious food: Dick Hunter, Fran Schiel, Ken Sherman, Priscilla Lucas, Jerrie Pospisil, Mary Lou McArdle, Pam Darreff, Bruce Johnson, Richard Mills, Emily Monk, John Collins, and Squeegee Mills.

The meal (trees and leaves, as the clients have named it) was served the next day, Wed., May 9, at the Peekskill Salvation Army by the SA staff assisted by Squeegee Mills.  Dessert for the day was provided by Tricia Dineen.

Interested in knowing more about the Noontime Meal Program?  Call Squeegee Mills (845-621-3178) or Ken Sherman (914-737-8294).

Amnesty International

Please come to the Amnesty table in Fellowship Hall on the second Sunday of each month, to sign letters and petitions requesting justice for those who are being unfairly treated around the world.

    Carolyn Blaney – Youth Elde;, Carol Meyers – Elder

Confirmation Class Says Thanks for Assisting the Mission Project: Helping Syria!

The Confirmation Class  thanks everyone who bought sweets and gave money to the Syria Humanitarian Relief Fund. Together we raised $1,000. Some people even donated using our new credit card phone app.

With your donations we will be able to help Syrians during this very difficult time in their country’s history.

        Thank you, 2012 Confirmation Class

Pastor’s Relief Fund Available

We understand that this is a difficult time for families in our church who are unemployed. If the church can be helpful, the Pastor’s Relief Fund is available for short term help. Please contact Chip if you need to. And if you wish to donate, to the fund, please put “Pastor’s Relief Fund” on your check and drop it in the collection plate or mail it to the office.
