Mission Commission – March, 2012

Amnesty International

Please come to the amnesty table in Fellowship Hall on the second Sunday of each month, to sign letters and petitions requesting justice for those who are being unfairly treated around the world.

Caroline Blaney

Jan Peek Volunteers

March 25: Clark/Gilbert family

April 28: Hawlk and Marsh families

May 26: ???

Call Bud Coccodrilli (245-6475) if you can help.

Thank you to the Humphrey & Santagata families for the February Dinner.

One Great Hour of Sharing Offering—March 18

Sharing resources, changing lives

Since 1949 Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God’s love with those in need. Your generous gifts assist those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry, and help build strong communities through self development of people.
